Corporate parts list management

About CPL

Customize the importing process your company uses to import BOMs by using a master list referred to as a Corporate Parts List (CPL). The CPL uses your company’s internal part number and includes proprietary attributes in the matching process. It contains a list of selected and approved parts used in a company’s products. The CPL can contain thousands of parts that are used in current as well as historical designs so engineers can quickly select pre-approved parts to help facilitate a faster design process and promote part reuse.

The BOMs imported are matched against the master list (CPL) and may have additional information such as procurement notes, distinguishing information, or filters you want your employees to know about. Incorporating CPL Custom Attributes, custom comments and other attributes such as cost, inventory, comments, quality, manufacturer part status, and datasheet information informs employees with particular information for parts. This allows a uniform internal work flow for approved part selection and part management. The specialized work flow allows for the internally approved parts to be connected directly to up-to-date external supply chain information, and therefore within the company component engineering, procurement, manufacturing, sustainment, and other functions are in sync with the decision making process.

How is a CPL used?

A CPL master list manages the relationship between your corporate part number—an internal part number, which may be a drawing specification that describes a manufacturer part number with parameters and features—and one or many manufacturer part numbers. In the matching process, BOM Intelligence looks at the CPL to match records for the BOM to the CPL and the S&P Global database. The first step is loading a CPL into BOM Intelligence. Then, when you load a BOM, the parts on the BOM are matched to your CPL as well as the reference content (CPL custom attributes).

Access the CPL using either the CORPORATE DATA menu, or the Corporate Parts panel (Corporate Parts List) on the HOME page.

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